THE COUPLAND WATER SUPPLY CORPORATION (CWSC) is a nonprofit 501 (3) c organization.
Who owns the CWSC? CWSC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose membership is composed of owners of property within the boundaries set by the “Certificate of Convenience and Necessity” (CCN). The property must also have a Manville Water Supply Corporation water meter and a CWSC sewer system connection.
Who operates and runs the board? The board consists of five members of the CWSC (see above). Members may nominate themselves for an available term in an election held by the membership of CWSC annually. Officers are elected within the board by its five members. Each board member serves a three-year term.
Is sewer available to all of the city of Coupland? No. A property must be within the CCN, which is different from and independent of the Coupland city limits. (Click HERE to open a page showing our service area.)
Can I build a house and tap into the city sewer if it is outside of the CCN? No. To be eligible to hook up to the city sewer, the structure must fall within the boundaries of the CCN. Structures that fall outside of the boundary are not eligible; even if that structure is on a property that falls partially within the CNN boundary.
Why do rates seem high? The CWSC is a fully operational wastewater utility that requires a certified plant manager, frequent maintenance and repairs, necessary supplies, comprehensive insurance, monthly laboratory testing, and environmental permits issued by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (or TCEQ).
How are rates figured? There is a flat rate of $30.00 per month, plus water usage based on the two lowest months of December and January water usage @ a rate of $7.00 per thousand gallons of water. Click HERE for Notice to CWSC Subscribers.
Why does Manville bill for sewer? CWSC pays for Manville Water Supply Corporation to do invoicing as they have water usage data.
When are the board meetings? Scheduled meetings are quarterly and are posted HERE, as well as in the post office and the bank in Coupland.
Are meetings open to the public? Yes; everyone is welcome.
What can be done to cut costs to keep rates from rising? Think before you flush. One of the major expenses is pump clogs. This may require pumper trucks, a plumber, or an electrician. Recent things found clogging the pumps were: ropes, clothes, shop towels, toy cars, and many more.
How do I run for the volunteer board? Letters are sent out annually by the CWSC board for nomination. To nominate yourself, return the letter, postmarked not later than June 30th. The board will conduct an election to vote on the nominee.
How much is the tap fee for new hook ups? The fee for a new connection to the CWSC system is $5,000. The transfer fee for new owners of existing connections is $100. Interested parties must CONTACT the President to determine whether they would pay a Tap Fee or Transfer Fee. Transfer Fee is $100. Anyone transferring property purchased from previous owners located within the CCN, connected to the CWSC sewer system, a transfer fee will be charged to the new owner. All costs to hook up are the member’s responsibility.